Smoking is cool – hhhm, potentially debatable, although we know which side of the fence we straddle. Puffing a six-inch, battery powered ‘e-cig,’ which bears an uncanny resemblance to a pregnancy test, so not cool – non-debatable … or so we thought …
A meagre few months into the ban, with chilly season fast approaching, club owners are getting savvy with the ciggie, most specifically the owners of Soho hotspot Chinawhite, who have just introduced the e-cig in an effort to curb our enthusiasm for, well, the curb. The Chinese-made device, which is both tar and smoke free, has been hailed harmless (the downsides of nicotine clearly overlooked) and can therefore be smoked legally within the confines of four walls.
Londonist would place a wager that this latest trend will fade into its smokeless background – not least because placing a Chinese made product that close to the face right now seems scarier than our recently reviewed Woman in Black. However, according to an Evening Standard survey, several urban trendoids attest they would venture a few puffs. Until Ms Moss is seen sporting them, we are standing our ground.
Photo courtesy of the Operators Are Standing By flickr photostream.