US Embassy At Rathbone Place Post Office?

By M@ Last edited 212 months ago

Last Updated 10 April 2007

US Embassy At Rathbone Place Post Office?

We mentioned a while back that the US embassy is considering a move from its traditional Grosvenor Square home. Google Maps seem to have the scoop on the new address. If you search for American Embassy in the UK version of Google Maps, you're pointed towards the large Post Office, just off Oxford Street (although the displayed address is correct).

The Register, who discovered this quirk, think it's a counter-terrorism measure.

Google has quite brilliantly denied al-Qaeda the possibility of using Google Maps UK to identify the US embassy in London and subsequently launching a devastating kamikaze assault on the building.

We tried a few more. While 10 Downing Street and Buck Pal are both readily found, a search for City Hall suggests only a small cleaning firm in the East End. And the O2 Dome is apparently beneath a small cloud in Watford. Wonder what happens if you search for 'Iranian waters'?