News From Around The Ist-A-Verse

By sizemore Last edited 207 months ago

Last Updated 25 February 2007

News From Around The Ist-A-Verse

Austinist gets arty with an interactive guide to SXSW, loved some local art galleries and a new art exhibit and lamented the possible loss of "Friday Night Lights" production to New Mexico.

Bostonist was happy they finally found an Anna Nicole Smith connection to their fair city and that an Apple Store was opening up. They were less happy that new rules have been established limiting underage shows and that their Governor spending a lot of money on drapes.

Chicagoist complained about a ban on foie gras hurting a high end hot dog restaurant, highway names, and their— gulp— TiVo breaking down!

DCist was full of debates. Like does the blogosphere hate their "American Idol" contestant. Or why the National Air & Space Museum has declined in popularity? Or the selling of a single beer and bad bus drivers.

Houstonist had a food fight get out of control, photographed a giant semi truck-eating armadillo, cooked a Mardi Gras staple, and saw that whole HPV vaccine controversy rage on.

Gothamist had serious things on their mind. Like the JetBlue meltdown or illegal immigration raids or rats in a fast food joint, and strollers on the subway.

392245552_3b72a7c0ab.jpgLAist was all about the cool— cool gas stations, supporters of the uber-cool Barack Obama, an interview with the sister of the very Sarah Silverman, and the not so cool way the LAPD welcomes new recruits.

Londonist was very exciteable this week. They were excited about seeing the movie 300 and the view from the top of the Dome. They were less excited about a windowless apartment going for 400 grand and luke warm over graffiti artist Hugo Martinez.

Parisist was rocked this week with concerts from Les Guillemots, The Decemberists , and Rufus Wainwright, explored what Marie Antoinette wore to the revolution, and checked out a disturbing humans-as-meat demonstration.

Phillyist coined a new term, had a Mayoral candidate in jail, and saw gay civil unions in New Jersey. Also, a piano-playing cat.

Seattlest complained about people complaining about high housing prices and a local politician not knowing anything about NASCAR. They also pretended it was summer in their kitchen and enjoyed a High School basketball match featuring urban kids vs. suburban kids.

SFist was full of love this week. They loved the Amgen bike race, their favorite MUNI line and an interview with a MUNI driver, and apparently, they still love their maybe alcholic, womanizing Mayor.

Torontoist protected to save themselves so they went to an Al Gore lecture, a Tin Foil Hat party, and mucked up corporate logos. Maybe it was because an old marquee of a historical movie theater collapsed?

Photo of giant armadillo from Houstinist

By SFist Jon Shurkin