Weekend Culture Crawl - Sunday and Monday

By Hazel Last edited 225 months ago

Last Updated 26 May 2006

Weekend Culture Crawl - Sunday and Monday
culture crawl sun mon.jpg

We gave you the schedule for Friday and Saturday yesterday and you shouldn't be either bored or out of pocket by the end of it (just keep an eye on the time and keep going). If you're still thirsting for things to see and do, we've got a few more suggestions and a useful timetable to make sure you fit it all in...

Saturday 27 May

Though we mentioned lots of things to do on Saturday in our Culture Crawl schedule yesterday, all them were indoors. For those of you who like your culture fix to be in the open air, there is the first day of the two-day Paradise Gardens event in Victoria Park. A really packed programme includes The Black Maze, a labyrinth to be negotiated in the dark, built into the back of a 7.5 ton truck, breathtaking acrobatics-dance-theatre from extremely talented all-girl Mimbre trio and in keeping with the Village Fete theme, there will be an appearance by the Village Disco team (pictured), complete with mirror ball, strobe lights and plenty of anti-cool. Paradise Gardens is at Victoria Park from 1.00pm - 20.00pm, admission is free.

If you can't get to east London for any of the Paradise Gardens events, then there is the Festival of Youth Arts launch in Trafalgar Square with loads of performances from plucky young things. Looks like a packed day so be prepared for anything from Bollywood Dance to short films, from live hip hop to contemporary ballet. All Festival of Youth Arts events start at 1.00pm and admission is free.

Sunday 28 May

13.00 - 14.00 Start the day gently with a stroll around the SEA exhibition at the Oxo Tower. This free exhibition is Philip Plisson who holds the distinguished title of Official Painter of the Navy (France). While there, have a coffee and a browse through the shops on the other floors - if you don't see anything you like, you can look at the great views over the river instead.

14.00 - 17.00 Having braced yourself with marine photography, head over to Tate Modern. It's Abstract Sunday, part of the Long Weekend festivities and the free event is John Cage's Musiccircus. "This three-hour performance is based on compositions principally by Cage and features live and pre-recorded electronics, as well as traditional instruments." You may not want to stay for all of it but there's always the opportunity to see the re-hang in the other rooms while you're there.

18.00 - 19.00 You may want to re-tune your ears after that so wander along the river to the Queen Elizabeth Hall foyer for some music from the Lagos City Orchestra. This 12 piece band, lead by pianist Gboyega Adelaja is part of London African Music Festival, and they will be fusing jazz solos with afrobeats, for your pleasure, for free.

Monday 29 May

12.00 - 12.15 Start your Monday Culture Crawl with a quick visit to Tate Modern to watch a Man Walking Down The Side of a Building which is being re-staged by choreographer Trisha Brown for hte first time in 25 years, as part of the programme for Minimalist Monday, the last day of the Tate Modern Long Weekend.

12.30 - 13.30 Stay on the South Bank and check out the Peru - The Land of the Inca photo exhibition by James Sparshatt

16.00 - 17.00 John Thorne's Oedipus Complex brings contemporary jazz from Manchester to London's South Bank. Thorne is the bassist from Lamb who leads a group comprising of cello, drums, piano and vocals. The band plays free at Queen Elizabeth Hall foyer as part of Jazz on a Spring Day series.

18.00 - 19.00pm Round off your Culture Crawl with a glimpse into the Brazilian music form called choro. Jonathan Preiss and Anselmo Netto perform on guitar and mandolin to see you off at the end of a very cultural crawl.