BBC's Wrong Guy Revealed

By London_Nick Last edited 221 months ago

Last Updated 17 May 2006

BBC's Wrong Guy Revealed

We reported last week that the BBC interviewed a cabbie instead of a business expert. Now it turns out that he wasn't in fact a cabbie, but a BBC job applicant!

Guy Goma was applying for a data support cleanser job at Television Centre, when a receptionist mistook him for Guy Kewney, editor of . This is an unbelievable feat, seeing as the receptionist had seen a photo of Kewney (a thin, bearded white guy), and confused him with Goma (a heavy set black guy).

Goma was then dragged into the News 24 studio and asked questions about the Apple/Beatles court case, thinking it was part of his interview, or an odd BBC initiation ritual. After being asked three questions, the producers finally realised something was up and dragged Goma off the set into his interview.

What Londonist would truly love to know is whether Goma got the job. We feel that he gave a great performance for someone with no knowledge of the subject matter he was being asked (albeit with a shocked, rabbit-in-the-headlights look on his face).

Michael Grade, if you are reading this, give Goma the job. It's the least he deserves after the experience your staff put him through, and for the entertainment value the whole incident provided. We truly hope that he is the right Guy for the job.