Lumbering Beast Of Westminster

By M@ Last edited 226 months ago

Last Updated 26 April 2006

Lumbering Beast Of Westminster
Something neither you nor he will ever forget.jpg

(Note to taggers: Prescott is not a keyword)

Now here’s something you don’t see every day. Unless you’re Sean Ryder. A time-travelling, 42-tonne, 40-foot high mechanical elephant is coming to the streets of London. Yes, you read that correctly. The Sultan’s Elephant sounds both incredible and non-credible, but appears to be true. The mechanoid pachyderm will make slow but steady progress around Westminster’s streets for four days next month, in what is billed as the largest piece of free theatre ever seen. That’s like a building the size of Marble Arch taking a wander along our roads. Ken’s no doubt busy trying to work out whether robot elephants are eligible for the congestion charge.

So will Elephant & Castle and Piccadilly Circus finally live up to their names? Will several trunk roads have to be closed? Organisers Royal de Luxe are keeping the details sketchy at the moment, but you can sign up here for updates and read the back-story here.

The Sultan’s Elephant comes to town from Thursday 4 to Sunday 7 May.