Listen To The Ringleader

By londonist_mark Last edited 226 months ago

Last Updated 30 March 2006

Listen To The Ringleader

Now I'm spreading your legs with mine inbetween.

Nope, not the start of a Razzle reader's story but a line from the new Morrisey album: Ringleader Of The Tormentors, wherin the Mozzmeister becomes the thinking indie fan's Tom Jones. Sort of.

But what does Morrisey have to do with London? Well, almost nothing as far as we can tell, other than editro thinks the sun shines out of his gladioli. But we do have the new album for you to stream. Yes, our very first streamed album preview. Watch out, we're becoming the NME! Actually we're really rather proud, especially since it's a pretty fine record (a grudging admittance from a non-Smiths fan).

So here it is.

You'll need to fill out a few details, sorry, but that's the deal, hit play and enjoy. And should you desire your own copy then you can pre-order it from here.

Thanks to Leslie for doing the business for us.