Thou Shall Have Pass

By londonist_mark Last edited 226 months ago

Last Updated 31 March 2006

Thou Shall Have Pass

It's not a great news Friday what with Wembley not being Wembley, tube lines closing and the fact that there's going to be a huge shortage of coke this weekend. So here's one to warm your wellies as you wait for the weekend to wash away your working worries.

A Wycombe pensioner has been given a bus pass valid for 203 years. Sprightly seventy one year old Elizabeth Bateman's pass, issued as part of the council's service to provide free transport for all pensioners in the district, runs out on June 13 2209. Mrs Bateman summed up the inevitable mathematics by saying that:

By 2209 rigor mortis will well and truly have set in, I should imagine.

Well if it hasn't she'll be something more than sprightly. Nice to see everyone concerned taking it all in good spirits, we'd think that in this day and age she'd be more likely to be arrested and charged for the mistake.

The council admit that it was probably a typo, which makes us wonder whether editro is moonlighting when he should be on his honeymoon. No news as to whether they want it back though. Perhaps Mrs Bateman could put the pass up for sale on eBay and make a few quid. Especially since it doesn't quite offer her the full freedom she'd have liked:

I am rather disappointed I can't get to Milton Keynes as that is still in Buckinghamshire... It would have made a lovely day out.