The Londonist Literary List

By london_sarah Last edited 229 months ago

Last Updated 24 January 2006

The Londonist Literary List

The Londonist Literary List appears every Tuesday. If you’d like to bring an event to our attention, please email [email protected].

You have no idea how pleased we are this week. There is so much going on! We don't feel alone in the world anymore! London book nerds rejoice — we've got events to attend! And with the exception of the one about work, they're really good events! (In reality, the one about work might be good too, but an after-work talk about work — that's just begging to be made fun of.) Finally, we feel as though we have a purpose in this world again...

Events Around London:

If there's anyone out there who just can't get enough of going to work, so much so that when you get home from work, you sit around the flat deconstructing the meaning of work, then have we got the event for you: Tonight, Lydia Goehr of Columbia University stops by the British Library to wax philosophical about life, death, and work. Yikes. At least you won't have to spend any of your hard-earned money, given that admission is free. 6pm. 96 Euston Road. FREE.

Also tonight, Rick Moody (pictured) reads from his new novel, The Diviners, a sprawling satire of television production. London Review Bookshop. 14 Bury Place. 7pm. £4.

Thursday (the 26th), Bookslam returns to Cherry Jam for a night of hipster flavoured literature. Readings by Mil Millington and Roger Robinson, with music by Mel Gareh. 58 Porchester Road. 8:30pm-ish. £2 before 8pm, £5 after.

Next Tuesday (the 31st), Sarah Waters will be discussing her latest novel, The Night Watch, with The Times literary editor Erica Wagner. Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Centre. 7:45pm. £8.50. (Looks like it's sold-out, but you might be able to get last-minute tickets at the door.)

New Releases:

Memory in Death, by J.D. Robb

The Painted Chook, by Jane Graham

Other News:

The Whitbread Book of the Year Award will be announced tonight. The winner is chosen from amongst the five category winners.