The Londonist Literary List

By london_sarah Last edited 229 months ago

Last Updated 03 January 2006

The Londonist Literary List

The Londonist Literary List appears every Tuesday. If you’d like to bring an event to our attention, please email [email protected].

If your New Year's Resolution is to read more, then you're in luck this week, as the publishing industry returns with a vengeance. They must be rolling out the new releases before they worry about anything else, though, because it doesn't look like they've gotten around to scheduling any events...

Events Around London:

We've got nothing to report here, except for that the Whitbread Prizes will be announced tomorrow (the 4th) at a ceremony that you are not allowed to attend. Things will look up next week, we promise.

New Releases:

Natural Flights of the Human Mind, by Clare Morrall (pictured)

Left Bank, by Kate Muir

The Tango Singer, by Tomas Eloy Martinez

The Last Sunrise, by Robert Ryan

A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, by Yiyun Li

An Irresponsible Age, by Lavinia Greenlaw

Homewrecker, by multiple authors

Canaan's Tongue, by John Wray

The Vengeance of Rome, by Michael Moorcock

Other News:

The Guardian features some year-end opinions from the little people.