The Londonist Literary List appears every Tuesday. If you’d like to bring an event to our attention, please email [email protected].
We're not even going to bother with our weekly rant about how the publishing industry isn't publishing anything anymore. Mostly because we know it's not going to do any good, but also because we're sick of repeating ourselves. Instead, we'll just point you to Book Slam, because regardless of what gets read there, you're guaranteed to at least feel cooler for having attended, and since this month is actually featuring some really interesting stuff, it's the only no-brainer we've been able to come up with.
Events Around London:
Tonight, George Szirtes gives the 2005 TS Eliot Lecture at South Bank Centre. It's about how poetry can be seen as "a range of possible dances on the thin ice of language." As if poetry weren't cryptic enough already. Purcell Room, South Bank Centre. 7:45pm. £8.50.
Book Slam looks to be extra especially good this month. On Thursday (the 24th), Hari Kunzru and Monica Ali (pictured) join others in this super-hip monthly offering of words and music. Cherry Jam, 58 Porchester Road. 8:30pm. £2 before 8pm, £5 after.
New Releases:
How to Seduce a Ghost, by Hope McIntyre
The Prince, by Houshang Golshiri
Other News:
Um, they made a movie out of Pride and Prejudice?