The week’s just begun and we’ve already been elbowed on the tube, pushed past on the stairs and had to cup our hand over our mouth to avoid gagging on the fumes. Some days we pine for a life more tranquil. Wouldn’t it be nice to have pastures green instead of grim buildings? A host of lovely daffodils instead of fast food wrappers? To live somewhere like the Cotswolds…?
Not according to Joanna Trollope. The Queen of the Aga Saga is ditching the ‘wolds after two decades and heading back to London. The reason? Too many celebs. Apparently the countryside is swarming with them. You can’t walk down one of the quaint country lanes without tripping over Liz Hurley in a flat cap walking a Shitzu, or to the local quiz night to find it’s been turned into a gastro pub with Kate Moss & co drinking caprihinas and laughing about being famous.
But it gets worse:
"I'm sorry to see how much raked gravel there is," Joanna told the November issue of Cotswold Life magazine: "and the daffodils! I get nauseated by every village being awash with yellow. Wild and scattered is one thing, but these regimented rows..."
Regimented daffodils aside, not everyone agrees with her stance.
"I love Joanna dearly," rebukes the novelist Jilly Cooper, "She’s my best friend. But she’s very serious and gets a bit depressed. I think it’s great that we have somebody like Liz Hurley to turn on the village lights at Christmas time. And what’s so wrong with Kate Moss?"
What’s so wrong with Kate Moss indeed.
Londonist would officially like to welcome Ms Trollope back to the bosomy loveliness of this great city and promises she won’t find a single gastro pub or celebrity within a ten mile radius. No, not one... *whistles*