Adventures in Museum Visiting

By london_alex Last edited 240 months ago

Last Updated 23 February 2005

Adventures in Museum Visiting

In order to show our readers that Urban Junkies is a really worthwhile addition to Londonist, we took their event advice and checked out the Under A Tenner installation at the Design Museum.

We made our way down the Shad Thames (which was unfortunately overrun with tourists, and families with strollers; Londonist does not mean to offend with this comment, both groups simply make walking at any kind of normal stride and pace impossible). Good news, we were eventually able to navigate the treacherous path to the museum and into the exhibit.

In two words, "loved it"! Particularly interesting were the display cases which housed some favourite items, which cost less than ten pounds pulled together by various designers, architects, and other creative industry types. Items ranged from rubber bands and Japanese vases to condoms and shirts from Muji. In addition, the Design Museum highlighted some other products such as a disposable toilet (which was also biodegradable if you were wondering).

A wall of the space was devoted to answering the question, “What would you choose as an example of good design under a tenner?” Londonist’s response: a paper clip. (Yes, we realize we should have taken more time to think of a better answer, but there was a lot of mounting pressure from the toddler behind us wanting to drool all over the display – we panicked.) In our defense though, paper clips really are amazing little tools. If you don’t believe us just read the history of the paper clip.

Under a Tenner is only on through the weekend (the 27th to be exact), at which point Londonist assumes the museum will be preparing for their annual Designer of the Year prize.