Upper Cheyne Row Murder

By Rob Last edited 242 months ago

Last Updated 30 November 2004

Upper Cheyne Row Murder

News reports are coming in of a murder on Upper Cheyne Row in "plush" Chelsea.

The Scotsman is reporting that "John Monckton...A wealthy City bond dealer has been murdered [during a burglary] at his home in one of Britain’s plushest neighbourhoods."

The Standard, meanwhile, are calling the incident a "'high-profile' killing" and speculate that "the incident may have involved somebody in the public eye". Have they got the wrong end of the stick or is there someone else involved?

Update: - The Standard have now updated their report, confirming that it was John Monckton, "a director with financial giant Legal & General" who was killed during the burglary, and that his wife Homeyra was also stabbed and is now in hospital "undergoing 'significant' surgery"