'Secret London' Recreated In These Amazing 3-D Models

By M@ Last edited 57 months ago

Last Updated 09 August 2019

'Secret London' Recreated In These Amazing 3-D Models

David Fletcher makes hyper-detailed 3-D models of London's more peculiar attractions. As a hobby, he's out hunting bollards, air vents, unusual trees and even urine-deflectors as subjects for his craft, called photogrammetry.

To make these impressive visuals, David takes dozens of overlapping photos with a reasonably good camera. He then uses software such as Agisoft Metashape or Reality Capture to stitch them together. It takes practice, he tells us, but anyone can do it with a little bit of learning of the photogrammetry software.

David has hundreds of examples on the Sketchfab website, but here are a few of our favourites.

Soho Square's Gardener's shed

The old mock Tudor hut at the centre of Soho Square.

Soho Square Gardener's Shed by artfletch on Sketchfab

Clifford's Inn Passage urine deflectors

Everyone's favourite wazzbaffles, installed along this Fleet Street passage to discourage bladder draining.

Charterhouse Great Chamber

David is gradually capturing all of the major rooms inside this Smithfield enclave. Two cloisters can also be viewed.

London plane tree, St Mary Magdalene Church, Islington

This mighty plane tree has some claims to being London's most expensive tree (great trees are routinely valued for various reasons).

Russell Square cab shelter

One of 13 extant shelters for cab drivers. This one's been flowered-up and made more welcoming to the general public. David has also captured the one in Temple Place.

This is just a small sample of David's handiwork. To explore further, visit his Sketchfab page. Follow him on Twitter @artfletch.