Be The Life And Soul Of The Party With These Snazzy Jumpers For Christmas 2021

Laura Reynolds
By Laura Reynolds Last edited 31 months ago

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Last Updated 22 October 2021

Be The Life And Soul Of The Party With These Snazzy Jumpers For Christmas 2021

Christmas Jumper Day 2021 is Friday 10 December. Do your bit for Save The Children while flying the flag for your favourite city, with the best London-themed Christmas jumpers money can buy.

Houses of Parliament Christmas jumper

Image: Houses of Parliament Shop

You don't see many Christmas jumpers adorned with paper scrolls, but that's exactly what you'll find on this dashing number from the Houses of Parliament Gift Shop. Other motifs include the iconic portcullis, the Big Ben bell, and crowns — knitted in red, white and gold on a navy blue background that's a similar hue to your new passport. It's refined, but with a touch of the frivolous, like that teacher who'd wear a cartoon tie on the last day of term.

£45 adult

Natural History Museum Christmas jumper

Dinosaurs rule at the Natural History Museum, despite the fact Dippy's long gone. And anyway, the Dinosaur Gallery's still in action, so we're counting these Mesozoic throwbacks as London landmarks.

We suspect the red 'Roaring Around The Christmas Tree' design is left over from last year, as it's now half price. But then, there's no expiry date on festive fashion.

New in for 2021 is a more traditional striped knitwear style. Dinosaurs, Christmas trees and snowflakes parade across the torso in reds, whites and greens on another navy background. The devil's in the detail — the lower hem and wrists are finished off with the nautilus shell, which also happens to be the museum's motif.

Red dinosaur jumper £17.50 adult | £12.50 child

Festive dinosaurs jumper £35 adult | £25 child

Christmas in London jumper

Image: British Christmas Jumpers

A couple of years ago, Christmas jumpers depicting the London skyline seemed to be everywhere. Not so much this time round, but we have tracked down this men's jumper. It'll win no prizes for architectural accuracy, but we can make out Big Ben, a dome which could be St Paul's, and a Christmas tree which we're calling as the Trafalgar Square specimen. Santa flies overhead, with three red-nosed reindeer (maybe he spent lockdown cloning Rudolph), and the design repeats around the back, for added value.

Men's £20

Tower of London not-Christmas jumper

Image: Historic Royal Palaces

Want to get your child a Christmas jumper, but don't want to spend loads of money on something they'll probably only wear twice? The solution comes in the form of this Tower of London guardsman jumper. Featuring a cartoon guard, it features a cheery red background, making it festive enough to pass for a Christmas jumper, but with no snowflakes, bells or candy canes, it's not actually a Christmas jumper, meaning they can keep wearing it well into the new year. Until that inevitable growth spurt, anyway.

£19.99  child

Christmas jumpers from other London museums

Plenty of other London institutions are selling Christmas jumpers this year, and although their designs aren't particularly Londony, you can buy one safe in the knowledge that you're supporting a London museum or institution as you do so.

  • Science Museum always comes up with a suitably scientific scene for its Christmas jumper, and this year Laika, the first dog in space, takes the place of Rudolph, pulling Santa on a spaceship. Clever, but possibly too clever when everyone's five pints down at the Christmas party and you've got to explain it for the eighteenth time. Adult £35
  • Imperial War Museum comes in all guns blazing, putting Santa in a spitfire to make his annual rounds. Pros: it's probably quicker than those pesky reindeer. Cons: if he landed that on your roof, you'd certainly know about it. Adult £40
  • English Heritage is hitting us with history from all angles; Stonehenge, a castle, knights, kings, queens. Santa... hanging from a noose? Well, it's historical, we suppose. Adult red £20 | Adult blue £20

Seen any other Londony Christmas jumpers this year that we should know about? Let us know in the comments. And to display your love for London all year round, take a look at our range of extremely Londony t-shirts, sweaters and other products.