Plan Your London Day Ahead With Our New Morning Email

By M@ Last edited 138 months ago

Last Updated 05 November 2012

Plan Your London Day Ahead With Our New Morning Email

As you might have clocked, we're now running daily roundup articles that suggest stuff to do around town. Every weekday, we pick at least 10 things to do — from new gallery openings, to free food giveaways, to where to give blood. And we're trying to include those all important details that other sources miss, such as whether you can just turn up or need a prebooked ticket. We also add an unusual London fact of the day, a somewhat eccentric weather forecast, and a secret hidden section that virtually no one's found yet, damn you.

Here's today's article, in case you've not seen one yet.

We've now set things up so you can get the full article delivered to your inbox at 7am each morning, bypassing the need to check the site. We were genuinely surprised at how many people requested this service, so here it is.

To sign up, visit our subscribe page and fill in your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time, and we'll never share your address with anyone else, nor use the address to mail you anything other than the articles.

Oh, and please let us know if you have any feedback about these daily articles. We'd like to hone them into the very best daily guides to London, and welcome your opinions.