Preview: The Brixton Bolt

By Zoe Craig Last edited 140 months ago

Last Updated 20 September 2012

Preview: The Brixton Bolt

The London 2012 Olympics have been and gone. Despite settling the argument about the fastest man in the world, many perhaps are still left pondering: who is the fastest man in Brixton? Happily, a Brixton local has decided to find out.

The Brixton Bolt is a race, held in the centre of Brixton on 27 October, to determine who can claim the crown; or should that be the right to "do" the lightning bolt? There’ll also be races for women, people over 40, and for children of various ages. Entrance costs £1, and you have to live in Brixton to take part. (Any proceeds go to local charities.)

We really admire Brixtonite Tom Shakhli for coming up with this ruse. And after following his progress for a few weeks on Twitter, we're even more impressed now the event has the backing of Lambeth council. There’s something particularly pleasing about, the website about the event. Highlights include:

How does it work?

It’s a 100m race. According to Usain Bolt, just eat chicken nuggets for breakfast, strike a pose, and then run very fast in a straight line. Strike another pose.

And we love the section called Will Usain Bolt Be There?

Probably not. Well, maybe. I think he would like Coldharbour Lane. Feel free to tweet him @usainbolt to see if he’s interested.

He won’t be allowed to race though.

The Brixton Bolt takes place on Pope’s Road from 11am on 27 October. Visit to find out more. Or follow the team on twitter or Facebook.