Google Brings Indoor Maps To London Locations

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 142 months ago

Last Updated 19 July 2012

Google Brings Indoor Maps To London Locations

Android users are now able to view interior floor plans of a number of London buildings after Google brought their indoor maps technology to the UK earlier this year. Never again will you face the ignominy of having to ask a Harrods staffer how to get to the Egyptian escalator

The maps are activated as you zoom down a participating location, with floor plans, including different levels and with varying degrees of annotation, appearing to help guide you around. A number of department stores, sporting venues, art galleries and other cultural institutions are included so far; here's the full list, and more will be added as the system rolls out further.

The feature is currently only available on newer versions of Android, and is unlikely to appear on iPhone any time soon: in the forthcoming version of iOS Apple have replaced Google Maps with their own home-grown variety.

We've taken a few screenshots above; can you identify the buildings from their maps?