Londonist News: Look, A New Menu Bar

By M@ Last edited 156 months ago

Last Updated 12 May 2011

Londonist News: Look, A New Menu Bar

One of the commonest criticisms of Londonist is that there's no easy way to immediately find out what's going on around town. Our blog-style format means that any posts about, say, weekend events or new exhibition openings are quickly pushed down the page.

To address this, we've added a second menu bar. Each tab takes you to the latest listings post for that subject. We make no claims to being comprehensive in our listings. When rounding up the week's comedy offerings, for example, we're selecting the best of what we've heard about, rather than listing everything.

We're currently offering a mix of fairly mainstream listings (arts, gigs, comedy), but also a few unusual listings (geek events and cheap London), which we hope you'll find useful. Of course, there are many other ways to slice and dice the capital's cultural offerings (we could add a tab for kids' London, for example), so do let us know in the comments if you have suggestions.

Finally, we've introduced a museums and galleries listings page. The museums tab takes you to an up-to-date page listing all the current exhibitions at London's main museums and galleries. It's intended as a quick and simple way to see what's happening around town. We've had to be subjective in which venues to include (your feedback is welcome), as we don't want the page to become too cluttered. But we may expand the listings to smaller places as time goes on.

If you'd like to suggest an event for any of our listings posts, simply email us at [email protected]. We can't include everything, but your event will be taken into consideration.