Rise In STIs

By Lindsey Last edited 165 months ago

Last Updated 25 August 2010

Rise In STIs

condom0810.jpg Nearly half a million new cases of STIs were reported last year in London. We hoped this could indicate that the NHS's huge campaign to demystify the chlamydia testing process for young people in recent years had been effective. Unfortunately, stats also indicate that 1 in 10 of those got reinfected within a year. It seems that while getting tested is less of a problem, insisting on condoms and safe sex still is. It's not just chlamydia and young people, of course; cases of genital herpes and gonorrhoea are also on the up with the latter evolving to resist antibiotics. In our own bid to help promote condom usage - no glove, no love - turn to the condom entry in the Urban Dictionary. We particularly like no 11. (Image / celebdu)
