Independent Bookseller's Week

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 167 months ago

Last Updated 14 June 2010

Independent Bookseller's Week

IBWlogo.jpg According to the Mayor's draft cultural strategy, London has nearly twice as many bookshops as New York (927 plays 498), and they can't all be branches of Waterstone's. As this week is Independent Bookseller's Week, with a number of events taking place around the city, we thought it was a good moment to celebrate them.

The Golden Treasury children's bookshop in Southfields is creating a massive doodle today, with London stories and local history later in the week. Gay's the Word in Bloomsbury invites Richard Hornsey to discuss queer culture in postwar London, while the Review Bookshop in Peckham hosts a writing workshop with Evie Wyld and young adults from Kids Company (which isn't something that's open to the public, but we still think it's cool). Meanwhile, Ian Allan Book and Model shop on Lower Marsh has a number of London transport-related offers on. Novelist Bobbie Darbyshire is also popping into the Big Green Bookshop.

There will be an excellent independent bookshop near you (we've made a stab at visiting some of them already) and this week's the perfect opportunity to check them out. Just don't take the IBW logo too literally, and run off with all their stock.