Party Leaders Hit London Campaign Trail

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 168 months ago

Last Updated 03 May 2010

Party Leaders Hit London Campaign Trail

Nick Clegg in Blackheath / © Alex Folkes
We - along with a couple of hundred other people - toddled off to Blackheath this morning, braving the freezing rain to wait for Nick Clegg to make an appearance. As if on cue, the sun came out as the Lib Dem leader arrived for a speech-n-Q&A session, offering up the 'Cameron is measuring the curtains for Downing Street' soundbite that's being regurgitated all over the news. The Blackheath Bugle has extensive coverage, including the rather odd moment when a man who'd barged us out of the way moments earlier started demanding of Clegg what he'd do about "institutional government paedophile rings". The politician actually handled the outburst of crazy quite well, attempting to address the question before being sworn at and shouted down.

Clegg's also been to Streatham today, following Gordon Brown's visit yesterday, reflecting the increasingly tight battle there. Meanwhile, David Cameron's scheduled to appear in Southwark, Westminster and Feltham today. Lucky Londoners, getting all this attention lavished on us by the party leaders. Make the most of it - three more days and we'll go back to being ignored again.