In Pictures: The Media Scrums of Westminster

By tiredoflondon Last edited 168 months ago

Last Updated 10 May 2010

In Pictures: The Media Scrums of Westminster
BBC 5 Live relaxing in their gazebo
BBC 5 Live relaxing in their gazebo
Sole BBC Radio Scotland man staking out a place
Sole BBC Radio Scotland man staking out a place
The BBC had landed a spaceship-style "Bubble Studio" on College Green to head up what looked like nine separate BBC bases on a small patch of grass
The BBC had landed a spaceship-style "Bubble Studio" on College Green to head up what looked like nine separate BBC bases on a small patch of grass
Kay Burley on Sky News' sole, uncovered, platform for the station's marathon coverage. The station's Jeremy Thompson had to get his umbrella out when it started to rain at 5pm.
Kay Burley on Sky News' sole, uncovered, platform for the station's marathon coverage. The station's Jeremy Thompson had to get his umbrella out when it started to rain at 5pm.
Cameramen were staking out the steps of the Cabinet Office, the scene of talks between the Conservative and Liberal Democrat negotiators
Cameramen were staking out the steps of the Cabinet Office, the scene of talks between the Conservative and Liberal Democrat negotiators
Scores of camera crews on College Green, opposite the Palace of Westminster - mostly from the BBC
Scores of camera crews on College Green, opposite the Palace of Westminster - mostly from the BBC
Camera closely trained on the door to the Liberal Democrats Cowley Street Headquarters
Camera closely trained on the door to the Liberal Democrats Cowley Street Headquarters
Cameramen staking out Derby Gate, the entrance to Norman Shaw Buildings, and David Cameron's current offices
Cameramen staking out Derby Gate, the entrance to Norman Shaw Buildings, and David Cameron's current offices
Gates to Downing Street show the press pack awaiting a statement from Gordon Brown
Gates to Downing Street show the press pack awaiting a statement from Gordon Brown
Satellite van outside popular Parliamentary watering hole, the Red Lion.
Satellite van outside popular Parliamentary watering hole, the Red Lion.
ITN had two identical bases, with massive staircases to take presenters above the other rigs
ITN had two identical bases, with massive staircases to take presenters above the other rigs
Two crews outside Conservative Campaign Headquarters, on Millbank, obviously unaware that all the Shadow Cabinet are elsewhere
Two crews outside Conservative Campaign Headquarters, on Millbank, obviously unaware that all the Shadow Cabinet are elsewhere

The weekend saw almost constant coverage of nothing in particular happening in Westminster, so today we decided to take a walk around the media circus that still remains to see what a mammoth effort goes into telling us that nothing in particular is happening.

The most obvious thing to any passer-by was the huge scale of the BBC's presence, absolutely dominating with what looked like nine separate rigs on College Green alone, to allow many different BBC stations to broadcast the same story from metres apart.

Scores of crews from the BBC, Sky News, ITN and Al-Jazeera were all broadcasting live from the same few streets, with different live feeds coming from many different locations, covering the sclerosis in British politics live, even though there was nothing much to talk about for most of the day.

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