Suggest A 2012 Olympic Theme Tune

By Lindsey Last edited 171 months ago

Last Updated 24 February 2010

Suggest A 2012 Olympic Theme Tune

By Chris Dorney Photography via the Londonist Flickrpool
An Association of British Orchestras survey reports that 7/10 Joe Public respondents want a big orchestral theme tune, performed by a British orchestra (naturally), for the 2012 Olympics. Inspired by the emotional and climactic 'Nessun Dorma' a la World Cup Italia 90 and the rock/opera crossover hit penned by Freddie Mercury for Barcelona 92 (that tragically, he never got to sing at the occasion and that was bumped in favour of a slightly creepy ALW Spanglish affair) if nothing else, we need to nail the musical element if we want to be remembered.

It has to be aspirational, international and comprehensible (what on earth was Bjork singing about in Athens?). Mentioning friendship, dreams and never giving up might help but most of all it has to be rousing. Heather Small's Proud accompanied the Olympic Bid, which was all well and good, but what and who can you envision singing at the opening ceremony in the Cupcake in 2012?

Get some inspiration here and let us know your ideas for London 2012's signature song in the comments.