New Freesheet, The London Weekly, Launches Web Site

By M@ Last edited 173 months ago

Last Updated 21 December 2009

New Freesheet, The London Weekly, Launches Web Site


We're just over a month away from the Feb 1 debut of new freesheet the London Weekly. Can you contain yourself? Are you moist with anticipation at the prospect of a weekly dose of 'entertainment, gossip, politics, health, music and fashion'? Then fear not, because you can already 'enjoy' the Weekly on their freshly launched website.

The front page is a work of genius. Have Nadine Coyle and Rihanna developed some form of extreme eczema? Ah, no. The site is cunningly using low-resolution images in order to pixelate celebs into a more normal level of beauty. Thanks, Weekly. We can all feel better about ourselves. But ten different fonts, no image borders, no padding, and HTML that looks like it's been implemented by an amputee numbat? This is presumably a gesture that the London Weekly is about substance over style. And what's with the adverts cutting off mid-word (The World Is A V...)? Again, we suspect this is done on purpose as if to say, 'hey, we don't need any of this commercial shit'. Oh, and the bad spelling is presumably by way of tribute to the Guardian. Or is Nick Clegg now really the leader of the Lib Dem (singular)?

Having previously lambasted the nascent paper for having nothing novel to offer, we must humbly eat our words. We look forward to the pront edition of the London Weakly.

Image by Chutney Bannister in the Londonist Flickr pool.