London: To Boldly Go....

By SallyB2 Last edited 177 months ago

Last Updated 18 August 2009

London: To Boldly Go....

1908.adventure.jpg Oooh - this has got us all excited. Urban exploration. Looking at our fair city upside down, checking out its underbelly. Or to be more precise, going where you shouldn't go and sticking your nose in where it don't belong. Old warehouses, dilapidated monuments, ship wrecks - anything is fair game as long it involves some barbed wire or an insouciant security guard somewhere along the line.

We suppose it had to happen - this is a natural successor to Experimental Travel (which we loved, although it had its detractors). And it kind of goes hand in hand with the rise in popularity of parkour. See, there aren't enough challenges in the world: things are good, for most of us at least. So the quest for new adventure is getting ever more creative. And a lot of us are rather petulantly refusing to grow up/old. This has all the hallmarks of the stuff that we like to do as a kid: get grubby, break rules, climb stuff, push boundaries, piss people off, prove stuff to our peers...

What real kids will make of it all is another matter. Now, where's the wire cutters....
