Barnbrook Avoids Suspension... For Now?

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 178 months ago

Last Updated 21 July 2009

Barnbrook Avoids Suspension... For Now?

BNP_CityHall21Jul09.jpg Standards committees were poised to grill the BNP's Richard Barnbrook today and decide his punishment - which could include suspension from the London Assembly - after he admitted making up three murders in Barking and Dagenham. (And then denied it again. His indecision on this point would be hilarious if he weren't an elected politician read the report, pdf). Barnbrook filmed a video last year referring to the made-up knife crimes and posted it on the internet. The GLA and LBBD decided he'd broken the code of conduct (by, you know, lying in order to stir up fear of crime) but this morning Barnbrook managed to get himself signed off for two weeks with stress. And since he hadn't submitted any written evidence, despite being asked, the committee had no choice but to suspend its decision until he can turn up. (Image / ross mcross.)
