Royalty In Ryanair Shocker

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 179 months ago

Last Updated 03 June 2009

Royalty In Ryanair Shocker

Newspapers are reeling today in the wake of the news that - ohmigod - Queen Sophia of Spain used Ryanair to travel between London and Santander. Her Spanish Maj braved the hellhole that otherwise bills itself as "Stansted airport" to nip over to Espana for a military ceremony while visiting her brother (who happens to be the former King Constantine of Greece. Talk about family connections).

Coming the day after a report from the Public Affairs Committee recommended our own royals should open up their homes more often to help pay for their upkeep, Queen Sophia's low cost option is being held up as a shining example of budget conscious royalty. But since Ryanair are the only airline to fly direct between London and Santander we suspect the reason was a little more prosaic than mere cost (mind you, that's never stopped the Windsors breaking out private air transport).

The flight is reported to have cost a mere £13, but we'd like to know whether that included Ryanair's infamous charges. The Queen should probably just be thankful she flew before they start charging you to pee.