London Is A "Buzz Fest"

Dave Haste
By Dave Haste Last edited 178 months ago

Last Updated 16 June 2009

London Is A "Buzz Fest"

Tourist Information Apparently “London is a city on the verge of a nervous breakdown yet so sated on its own glories that nothing seems to bloody bother it”. It’s supposedly a city of “lords and chimney sweeps”, where relief from the “twitchy streets” and “jittery shopping districts” comes in the form of “spectacular halls”, ubiquitous pubs (“Britain's version of Starbucks”) and a cuisine of cucumber sandwiches and curry. Such perspectives feature in the ‘first-timer’s guide’ to London by Los Angeles Times columnist Chris Erskine - an amusing read for native Londoners. Still, we shouldn’t be too snobbish about it; adjectives and inaccuracies aside, it’s clear that Chris enjoyed his visit to London - he’s relentlessly positive about our city and “can’t wait to come back”. He’ll be welcome, and if he gets in touch we’ll recommend some non-West-End attractions that he might also enjoy. (Image / Luke Robinson)
