Calorie Count Menu Takes Fun Out Of Dining

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 179 months ago

Last Updated 22 June 2009

Calorie Count Menu Takes Fun Out Of Dining

Image / Waqas Ahmed
London restaurant chain The Real Greek has become the first in Britain to follow our didactic Government's latest anti-obesity programme, by displaying calorie information for all their dishes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, being a Greek restaurant, the meals are a little heavy, calorie wise: those planning on ordering, say, the taramasalata may have their enjoyment of the dish curtailed when they notice it packs in 805 kcals. And the well-seasoned taste of that bifteki souvlaki can only be enhanced by the knowledge that you're munching your way to an extra 545 kcals around the midriff. Sure, a lot of us could stand to lose a few pounds, but is making us feel guilty the best way of going about it? Guess we'll just nibble through a bag of salad instead and keep up with our alternative fitness regime like good, thin people.