The Amazing Meeting Comes To London

By M@ Last edited 180 months ago

Last Updated 13 May 2009

The Amazing Meeting Comes To London

The world's top two Skeptics: Phil Plait and James Randi, in the Rugby Tavern, Bloomsbury, last year. Image by M@

Ever shout at the TV when someone takes homeopathy seriously? Want to throttle those parents who reject the MMR vaccine and thereby help spread measles? Annoyed by the prevalence of woolly thinking and belief in the supernatural? Then you, my friend, are a Skeptic - part of the growing movement dedicated to combating irrational thought and action, especially by those in a position of power.

Every year, hundreds of Skeptics (it's always spelled with the 'k' in this context) descend on Las Vegas for The Amazing Meeting (TAM) - a huge conference of rational thinkers. The movement is gaining such momentum that its first European Conference is now set for London this October.

TAM London will take place at the Mermaid Conference Centre, Blackfriars on 3-4 October. Several well known names are lined up to speak, including James Randi, Phil Plait, Brian Cox, Ariane Sherine, Jon Ronson, Ben Goldacre, Simon Singh and Robin Ince. The bad news is that tickets have already sold out - in just three hours, crashing the system. There is, however, a waiting list you can sign up to, should further tickets become available. A number of informal events will also take place around the conference, so keep your diaries clear. In the meantime, you can assuage you skeptical cravings by visiting the monthly Skeptics in the Pub meet-up.