Learn To Cook Pukka Like

By Lindsey Last edited 180 months ago

Last Updated 15 May 2009

Learn To Cook Pukka Like

A jolly healthy school dinner via comedy_nose's Flickrstream under a CC licence
Another infant step on the road to improving school dinners was announced today as three London training centres joined the School Food Trust's national FEAST network. Centres in Greenwich (where Jamie first started making noises about the rubbish being served at schools), Enfield and Westminster will provide training for kitchen staff to meet new, minimum nutritional standards for the infamously uncool schools' gruel.

Mr Oliver's high profile School Dinner campaign may have proved a terminally uphill and thankless task but it certainly succeeded in putting the shameful state of kids lunch habits on the public agenda, however much he failed to convince the critters that healthy meals were better than crap and chips. Our disillusioned dinner ladies (and gents) may be cheered, therefore, that London's now better equipped to transform the ranks of 'heater uppers' and 'deep fat fryers' into actual cooks.

For the youngsters who got through their school dinners and managed to maintain a passion for food then perhaps Jamie has something else up his sleeve for you. If you're NEET, not older than 24 and prepared to work damn hard under the lubbly jubbly one, he's currently recruiting for the next tranche of Fifteen chef apprentices.