Camden Stables Market: First Look Inside Redevelopment

By M@ Last edited 180 months ago

Last Updated 21 May 2009

Camden Stables Market: First Look Inside Redevelopment
Looking south-east along the new passage. The arches to left and right formerly connected. This cobbled path was knocked through.
Looking south-east along the new passage. The arches to left and right formerly connected. This cobbled path was knocked through.
Meanwhile, viewed from the north, the new glass building still has a long way to go.
Meanwhile, viewed from the north, the new glass building still has a long way to go.
Cranes still tower over the market site.
Cranes still tower over the market site.
"It's health and safety gone mad."
"It's health and safety gone mad."
At the south-eastern end of the new passage, horses are set to outnumber goths 8 to 1.
At the south-eastern end of the new passage, horses are set to outnumber goths 8 to 1.
The new passage, looking north-west. Some of these units are being fitted out for trade, suggesting the passage will soon open to the public.
The new passage, looking north-west. Some of these units are being fitted out for trade, suggesting the passage will soon open to the public.
Horses, men with horses and more horses. We're beginning to spot a theme.
Horses, men with horses and more horses. We're beginning to spot a theme.
The north-west end, near the beanbag shop and Proud Galleries, remains deserted.
The north-west end, near the beanbag shop and Proud Galleries, remains deserted.
Yes. Yes it is.
Yes. Yes it is.
Peering inside one of the new shop units, to the south of the Stables beneath the railway. Note the elaborate wooden carving, reminiscent of the craftwork in the Gilgamesh building.
Peering inside one of the new shop units, to the south of the Stables beneath the railway. Note the elaborate wooden carving, reminiscent of the craftwork in the Gilgamesh building.

With all attention focused on the reopened market on the site of last year's fire, Camden Town's Stables Market has been keeping a low profile. The former warren of horse tunnels is undergoing a radical and controversial transformation, centered on a new four-storey steel and glass building.

Between this building and the railway lines, a passage has been cut through the former catacombs, creating a new cobbled walkway at the back of the complex. The route remains a building site, but there are signs that it will soon open to shoppers. A couple of days ago, we wandered in, unchallenged by any security, and took a few pictures. Click through the photo gallery for descriptions.

Barring one grainy image, artist's impressions of the new development are suspiciously difficult to find online. However, plan views are available on the Camden council pages. Here's the most revealing document.