Finger Lickin' Bad

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 187 months ago

Last Updated 02 October 2008

Finger Lickin' Bad

It's easy to surmise that Crouch Enders - or "Crewshawnders" as some smug, prattlingly self-deluded residents have styled themselves - are not too fond of the local KFC that sits on the Broadway, despite its everlasting popularity with Da Kids. It's hardly on a par with more championed fooderies like Banners or Budgens, is it?

Now, in the ongoing war on bad food and greasy-fingered oiks, locals have won a vital battle: they've secured the removal of adverts for the restaurant from Council-owned lampposts. Haringey have confirmed that, once their current deal expires, the ads will be taken down, after residents complained that the beastly Colonel Sanders was enticing their innocent offspring to chow down on the unhealthy, deceitful grub that his outfit vends (with occasional treats on top to boot).

But, stop the press! An almighty bunfight has broken out amongst Haringey councillors, with the Liberal Democrats claiming it was their "probing" questions about the banners cluttering a local conservation area that secured their demise. Local Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone has sezied this vital scoop for her party's banner, and well she might - her party's conference passed with nary a ripple in the media, so any speck of publicity they can grab is worth it.

Image by Ronald Hackston via the Londonist Flickrpool