Daddy Cool

By SallyB2 Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 15 August 2008

Daddy Cool

campaigns.jpgLondonist secretly thought that Batman and Robin on Harriet Harman’s house earlier this Summer was pretty funny. Well Fathers 4 Justice are at it again. Entertaining the nation with their mildly subversive protests. Causing a degree of affectionate irritation in those affected. Today’s stunt sees Batman prancing around on a gantry on the M25. We dare say there are a few less than sympathetic motorists beeping at the caped crusader, but these guys really should get a hearing. It is time that we revoked the untouchable sanctity of single motherhood: the father isn’t always to blame. And it is also time that we all recognised the CSA for what it is: a gross manifestation of Kafka-esque injustice which should never have seen the light of day.
