Preview: Chap Olympiad

By Londonist Last edited 190 months ago

Last Updated 12 July 2008

Preview: Chap Olympiad

Chap OlympiadJust a reminder that today sees London's most dashing gentlemen and best turned-out ladies gather together for the Chap Olympiad. We can't tell you where it's taking place – that is, we have a pretty good idea, but (a) don't know the exact location, and (b) feel it would be rather unsporting to let on, given that collecting all seven token-clues as to the "Decathlon for the Debonair"'s precise whereabouts comprised the first 'challenge' of the year. If you do wish to attend but don't know where it is being held, you still have a small window of opportunity to find out, by taking a quick trip around Mayfair. Alternately, we will ignore our anti-cheating instincts if you bung us £1,000. Via Paypal. In advance. (Olympiad organisers: This is a joke, albeit an unfunny one, although we really could use a grand right about now...) Or you could try asking Google. Bonne chance!
