Ealing Hospital Makes Patients Feel Sick

By KizzieFK Last edited 192 months ago

Last Updated 14 May 2008

Ealing Hospital Makes Patients Feel Sick

Going to hospital is rarely fun — the docs are never as cute as on Grey's Anatomy, they poke and prod you in uncomfortable ways, and the visit always takes longer than planned. And while some hospitals try their best to make you as comfortable as possible, others leave patients trying to detach their IVs and hobble towards the exits.

Falling into the latter category, apparently, is Ealing Hospital. It was rated worst in the country for the overall level of care in a survey of 76,000 patients.

Patients didn't appreciate admission delays, mixed-sex wards or the food at the west London hospital. They also had concerns about the cleanliness of the institution, with 25% saying the docs didn't wash their hands after examinations. Germalicious!

The hospital is at least responding to the survey and is in the midst of a two-year improvement programme, doing their own weekly surveys to learn how to better serve their patients and try to clean up their act.

Meanwhile, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation was rated best in London according to the Healthcare Commission survey.

Image of Ealing Hospital courtesy of Adrian Purser's Flickrstream.