Barry’s Brownie Billboard Binge

By Lindsey Last edited 205 months ago

Last Updated 04 April 2007

Barry’s Brownie Billboard Binge

Barry Colenso is a Master Chocolatier. He not only makes wicked truffles, he has vision! Look - you can take advantage of Barry’s chocolate tasting tips. Oh, before you begin, sip a little water or limejuice to cleanse the palate:

1. Look at the surface of the chocolate. It should be smooth and glossy.

2. Now savour its aroma!

3. Snap off the chocolate. It should make a clean, crisp snap

4. Place a piece of the chocolate in your mouth and wait a few seconds to taste the immediate flavours and aromas.

5. Chew the chocolate to expand the surface area and release the second level of flavours and aromas.

Remember all this on Sunday, Londonistas. Respect. The. Chocolate.

Imagine Barry’s disappointment, then, when his pièce de résistance; a giant edible chocolate Thornton's billboard made of 10 chocolate bunnies, 72 giant chocolate eggs and 128 chocolate panels, each weighing 2kg, was totally scoffed in under 3 hours by 50 sugar crazed Brownies (ably assisted by assorted beady-eyed-for-a-freebie shoppers and tourists) in Covent Garden on Tuesday afternoon.

The billboard took three months to plan and 300 hours for the team of 10 to build and was expected to last a week.

Oh dear.

Happy Easter, Barry!

Image courtesy of Ozyman666's Flickr stream