Another Silly Record Attempt

By M@ Last edited 205 months ago

Last Updated 10 April 2007

Another Silly Record Attempt

What were we saying? What were we saying?

The Guinness Book of Records, or whatever it calls itself these days, seems to be degenerating into a compendium of stunts and antics.

Dedication's what you need? No. What you need is a product to sell and a proactive marketing department. (The virtual lawyers tell us to add the phrase 'in our flippant opinion' here.)

To strengthen our case, uktv GOLD are staging a world-record attempt on the biggest ever simultaneous space hopper bounce (Millennium Bridge, Sunday, 10am).

Let's check our most up-to-date edition (2004) to see what the existing record stands at. Oh, there isn't an existing record. How odd. But we do find the world's largest container of body cream (stunt by Nivea) and the world's largest beermat (promotion by Carlsberg).

This is crap. Can anyone just make up a record for the purposes of self-promotion? If so, we demand a listing for being the most-read blog in the world to use #D8DED3 as its background colour.

Norris McWhirter would be turning on his Spot.

Thanks to Tim Bradshaw for the space hopper lead.