<s>A Day At the Races</s>

By sizemore Last edited 211 months ago

Last Updated 27 October 2006

<s>A Day At the Races</s>

Poor old Liz has put her back out (we didn't know Phillip still had it in him - being gagged so often must have got his goat up) and while she couldn't make the actual races (a lot of long faces there we expect) being the trooper she is nothing was going to stop her attending a lunch given by the Stewards at the Jockey Club. Sadly this injury has got in the way of other Royal business:

The Queen had to pull out of a trip to Arsenal's football stadium on Thursday after doctors advised her to cut back on her busy schedule. She strained a muscle in her back while holidaying at Balmoral in the summer.

80 years old and still doing as much as a monarch half her age. Bless.

Other Queen songs that we could have used in this post include Back Chat, It's a Hard Life, Staying Power, The Show Must Go On and Who Wants To live Forever. We're saving Another One Bites the Dust...