RomZomCom Makes Good

By london_luke Last edited 232 months ago

Last Updated 19 January 2005

RomZomCom Makes Good

We know that some of you were lucky enough to play small roles in last year's sleeper hit comedy Shaun of the Dead, and we know that like us you've watched its various successes with barely restrained glee.

Some of the Londonist folks were involved too, and got treated to some very fine entertainment in the bowels of Crouch End and New Cross. We were thusly thrilled to see the cheeky chappies Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright (star and director, respectively) coming to terms with the concept of "Yes, they get it!" when the film stole the hearts of untold millions.

Well there's a double-header of good news this week for the zombie mavens; first off none other than John Lequizamo (wow, where's he been?) has confirmed a little rumour that's been flying around, namely that Mr George Romero himself has seen fit to offer zombie cameos to both of the aforementioned chappies in his return-to-form zombie update Land of the Dead. Horror films are replete with wink-wink in-jokes, and this should prove no different.

Secondly, and let's face it somewhat more significantly, SOTD has been honoured with not one but two BAFTA nominations, one for "Best British Film of the Year" and one for, er, best new director apparently, for Edgar Wright.

We say, hear hear, it couldn't have happened to a nicer film/bloke. All of which should help ensure that this gem continues to grow in cult stature and make them lots of money, as it seems to be doing (number 4 on the Amazon Hot 100 DVDs list ain't too shabby, and as we all know the DVDs are where the money's at now). Attaboy!