Friday Film News

By london_euan Last edited 234 months ago

Last Updated 12 November 2004

Friday Film News


So this week the biggest release isn't even a film, it's the teaser trailer for the latest Star Wars installment, Revenge of the Sith, or as we at Londonist Mews like to refer to it: Star Wars III - Please god, make it stop and Lucas, quit going back through time and raping our favourite childhood memories to sell some more DVDs.

Still, it has lots of wookies in it.

On release this week Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason gives journalists another reaosn to talk about Rene Zellweger gaining and losing weight, but even another Firth-Grant bust up can't save it from two stars in the Times, two stars in the Guardian, and a kick in her fat arse by the Independent with one star.

Not a lot else of note being released this week, unless you count Anacondas: the Hunt for the Blood Orchid , or Ladies in Lavender, which we don't.

Maybe if you combined the two, and Dames Maggie Smith and Judi Dench travelled deep into the amazon to battle giant snakes amongst a backdrop of corporate bio-harvesting of the thirld world, and seducing young polish boys, then just maybe.

Elsewhere, theres a trailer for Phantom of the Opera, and Dreamworks, who don't appear (on paper at least) to be a particularly stupid studio pay A SEVEN FIGURE SUM for the movie rights to Baywatch.

Also there's a first look at the poster for Tim Burtons take on Willy Wonka, with Johnny Depp looking the right mix of dapper and creepy.

And lastly, the Londonist caught Big Wednesday on telly the other night (narrated by Freddy Kruger, trivia fans) and had completely forgotten what an ace coming-of-age-man-tames-nature kind of film it was.

Come back Jan-Michael Vincent, all is forgiven.