This pub was editorially chosen for inclusion by Londonist.
The White Swan would qualify for anyone's list of a good pub: well kept beer, historic furnishings, sheltered Thames-side views, roaring fire in the winter, friendly staff. Yet it has one particular peculiarity that raises it into the first tier of remarkable London pubs... a beer garden that gets submerged by the Thames. We've been stuck there for over an hour at high tide, stood up on the benches to avoid wet feet — no bad thing, so long as you've got a full glass. If you can't fit in the beer garden (and it does fill up quickly with both people and water), the pub's interior is also rather lovely. A couple of nichey demi-rooms, a handsome book case and an upright piano contribute to the charm. The drink choice is pretty good, with five ale pumps from different breweries.
Quiz night is Wednesday.