Few places in centralish London feel as bleak as Blackheath. A trek across the wilds, in the dead of winter, must end in a good pub, and the Hare and Billet has been fulfilling that role for centuries.
The modern iteration is... well, very modern. It's split in twain, with dining to the back and drinking at the front. The raised area in the main bar doesn't quite work, being far too large for the space. The place is cosy enough, though one feels it's been spruced up a little too much over the years, when a creaky oaken interior is what's called for.
Still, friendly enough place with an excellent range of ales — ten on our visit. It's certainly welcoming to families. A recent late-afternoon visit included half a dozen buggies clustered in the front area. The beers range is excellent, with a real mixed bag of novelties and old favourites.