Bow Bells

Bow Bells

This pub was voted one of the best in Mile End and Bow by Londonist readers.

You can't really miss the Bow Bells. Imagine a radioactive carrot in a high-vis vest, then increase the colour saturation. The inside is more muted in tone, with a fairly standard mid-20th century interior. There's much to recommend here, though. First and foremost, the room feels convivial, with just the right amount of buzz, and a thoroughly mixed age range. We're heartened to find a working pool table, too. We inadvertently timed our most recent visit to coincide with the weekly quiz, and then accidentally won... which didn't hurt our appreciation of this classic old pub. The Bow Bells is also noted for its haunted ladies toilet, which has featured in numerous credulous TV shows. A sign above the door warns patrons to 'beware of the ghost'. The gents is far more interesting, with an alternative tube map depicting sports stars.

On Facebook. On Twitter as @TheBowBells.

Quiz night is Wednesday.

Last updated March 2015.

Ladies ghost in site.
Ladies ghost in site.
The pottygeist?
The pottygeist?
And this is what's in the gents.
And this is what's in the gents.
Heads down for the quiz.
Heads down for the quiz.

Address: 116 Bow Road London E3 3AA

Phone: 020 8981 7317


Monday: Noon-11pm

Tuesday: Noon-11pm

Wednesday: Noon-11pm

Thursday: Noon-11pm

Friday: 11am-11pm

Saturday: 11am-11pm

Sunday: Noon-10.30pm

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