Welcome to the latest episode of Londonist Out Loud, a podcast about London, as recommended by The Telegraph. We are now using Acast, meaning you can play the podcast from this page by clicking the player above. The Acast player has a neat function allowing you to see photos of N Quentin Woolf's tour, plus links to the things he's talking about. You can also download the app on iTunes or the Android Store and listen to us on the go. Londonist Out Loud is still available on iTunes. You can also download the podcast as an MP3.
Londonist Out Loud is presented and produced by N Quentin Woolf.
The word Bedlam conjures up thoughts of an 'asylum' and all sorts of negative connotations around the way people with mental illness were treated in the past. Today the situation couldn't be more different: as well as being a specialist in mental health care, the Bethlem Royal Hospital in Beckenham is home to a fascinating museum about the subject. N Quentin Woolf takes us on a tour of the new museum and hears about the history of the institution.
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