A man loved his Boris Bike so much, he took it all over the world with him.
The video above shows Chris Astill-Smith travelling on his trusty Santander Cycle across America: hitting up New York, Las Vegas and San Francisco. From there he heads to Europe riding his bike around Rome and Paris, cycling past the Trevi Fountain and the Louvre.
Next he went even further east, introducing the bike to some sand — we doubt it sees much of that in London — courtesy of Dubai. Next, it's onto a bustling India where he catches some momentum grabbing onto a tuktuk. Protip: do not grab onto a black cab on the streets of London, their drivers won't react so kindly.
Finally, Astill-Smith makes it all the way back to Blighty, riding down in Dover. The location is pertinent to Chris, he's made this entire video to raise awareness for charity Dreams Come True. He's swimming across the English Channel to raise money for them, the charity enriches the lives of children and young people with life-limiting conditions.

Now it's time to answer the big question: How much did all this cost Astill-Smith? The trip took about two weeks. There's a £2 flat rate per day, plus £2 every 30 mins you have the bike on that day. So by our estimation, Chris COULD have blown £700 on his trip.
Instead, he ended up paying just £300 — the fine in place if a bike is stolen or damaged in your care.
Santander Cycles got in touch with Chris after his trip and kindly asked he press the red button when he re-docked the bike and lets them know where he's left it. They want to give it the once over before putting it back in circulation. Wouldn't want some unsuspecting tourist riding it, only for sand to come spitting out when they hit the brakes...
You can sponsor Chris here.