Discover The London Buses That Are Being Transformed To Help The Homeless

By Londonist Staff Last edited 67 months ago

Last Updated 25 July 2019

Discover The London Buses That Are Being Transformed To Help The Homeless

London's iconic red buses have long been used for far more than just transport. They've been turned into art galleries, party spaces and even pizza parlours. But now, Dan Atkins is using them to help others.

Buses4Homeless has taken four decommissioned buses and transformed them into spaces for homeless people to utilise. From a safe roof over their heads to a dedicated space to learn new skills, Buses4Homeless aims to re-engage vulnerable people with the community. We met with Dan, and Krzysztof who is currently using the three month programme, to hear about the project first hand.

Find out more about Buses 4 Homeless and how you can support the project via the website.