3 Crossrail Trains You'll Never Get To Ride

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 72 months ago

Last Updated 25 February 2019

3 Crossrail Trains You'll Never Get To Ride

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Think you've seen images of the new Crossrail Trains? Not these ones you haven't.

Linsinger MG31

TfL has unveiled the state-of-the-art rail fleet it hopes will keep Crossrail running smoothly. While the rest of London sleeps, a new rail milling train and two multi-purpose engineering trains will ride the Crossrail tracks, carrying out cutting edge maintenance work.  

Says TfL:

The 48 metre long rail milling train is the first of its kind to be used in the UK rail industry. It is able to scan the rails using electromagnetic crack detection, looking for any defects. If it identifies any issues with the track, it can mill the surface of the rail to remove defects and cracks, reducing wear on the new Elizabeth line train wheels and the tracks.

The milling process, says TfL, eliminates the usual sparks, fire and dust created by traditional rail grinding trains, leaving a smoother surface. A quieter, more comfortable ride for passengers is promised.

Robel Engineering Train testing in Germany provided by Plasser

Two multi-purpose engineering trains, meanwhile, will provide versatile maintenance functions, including working on overhead line equipment or cabling, drainage clearance and tunnel cleaning, and transporting new rail, platform screen doors, station transformers and more, through the central section of the lines once Crossrail stations are complete.

So there you go: there WILL be a Night Crossrail. You just won't be able to ride it.